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About Us


Prince William Forward Supports Leaders with a Proven Track Record of Effectiveness


Our vision for the future of Prince William County includes: 

An Economy that Works for Everyone

To facilitate economic growth we must allow all individuals to participate in the economy. Prince William Forward supports nondiscrimination policies which will keep our county open to everyone.



A Fair and Equitable Justice System

In order to further economic opportunity, the integrity of Prince William County's justice system should be unimpeachable. 



Protecting Individual Autonomy

Price William County should embrace individual liberty in order to encourage economic growth. In order to further economic opportunity, Prince William County should never criminalize any medial treatment authorized by a persons doctor.



Bringing Jobs and Economic Opportunities to the County

We must seize opportunities to bring high-paying jobs to Prince William County. Our county's residents deserve to have employment opportunities closer to home. A strong local tax base can help fund schools, emergency services, and other programs to benefit residents.



Supporting Small Businesses.

Prince William County must embrace small business owners to create a more prosperous future. Small businesses are the backbone of the economy and generally hire local residents. Prince William Forward supports tax breaks for small businesses.



Protecting Individual Liberties

Prince William County must embrace leaders who make it possible residents to exercise their constitutional rights. Permits should be issued without delay, and government offices should be responsive to their constituents. 


Our Story

Prince William Forward was founded in 2023. We are a Political Action Committee committed to supporting leaders who share our vision for the future.

Checks payable to "Prince William Forward" are accepted by mail.


Prince William Forward

PO BOX 2881, Arlington, VA 22202


Paid for an Authorized by Prince William Forward

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